ORIGINS: Dua are prayers made by Muslims and archangel Gabriel is the link for communications, to make clear your prayers in the highest vibration of love and light. Also, Dua has its roots in
Atlantis. It was applied by major civilizations throughout history including shamans and ancient Egypt. In fact, Dua is Egyptian for the light. Each civilization had a portion of this energy.
Duas can purified and refined through thousands of years to assist in acceleration the planetary evolution of energy. In the terminology of Islam, duʿāʾ also transliterated Doowa, literally
meaning "invocation", is an act of plea. The term is derived from an Arabic word meaning to 'call out', and Muslims regard this as a profound act of love. Dua it is considered the holiest of all
mantras. Dua for ZamZam Holy Water.
Includes manual, empowerment and beautiful chant of mantras in MP3.