THE NABI YUSUF ATTRACTION PRAYER ATTUNEMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Increase Sex Appeal, Emanate an Attractive Aura, Attract Opposite Sex, More


THE nabi yusuf attraction PRAYER  ATTUNEMENT is founded by  Ramon Martinez Lopez.

The Nabi Yusuf Attraction Prayer Attunement increases your sex appeal and makes you appear attractive, handsome or beautiful, to your lover and or attract women and men in general. You can use the prayer to cleanse your aura and be invigorated by the energy so that you will emanate an attractive aura. You can even use it before you are about to meet your lover.

With your purchase you will receive the course notes written by Ramon Martinez Lopez. As well, you will receive the distant attunement, certificate and lineage information. 



Burdock and Charoite attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Anger, Victimization, Negative Emotions, Enhances Courage, Assertiveness, More


Use Burdock Flower Essence when you are caught up in old anger, especially if the anger is directed at someone, usually an authority figure. Although the anger may be triggered by a current person/situation, the origin for this quality of anger is from a wound earlier in this life or a past life. This anger may also be related to an experience of grief or loss. Physical symptoms may manifest as toxicity - including heavy metals - in the liver, gallbladder, large intestine, or blood, skin issues like eczema and boils, and arthritis.  If any of these symptoms are common in your family lineage, you may also want to consider Bloodroot Flower Essence.

Charoite releases victimization and negative emotions, and enhances courage and appropriate assertiveness.  On the physical level, it can help to improve the condition of a diseased liver.

Provides for a connection between the head and the heart.

Instills Unconditional Love and Acceptance of others

Assist one in understanding self inflicted "lessons".

Helps in transforming relationships from one context to another, such as lovers into friends, and "letting go" of past attachments to a specific type of relationshiphelps to let go of attachments, and helps to instill the true belief that as one door closes, another one opens

Assists in the belief that you are exactly where you are supposed to be right here, right now, in this moment.

Helps to bring about the best possible outcome for any given situation



White Dolphin White Whale Attunement - Pure White Light by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Love, light, happiness, truth, purity, possibility, compassion, more


With your purchase you will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate.

The White Dolphin symbolizes the breath of life and the spirit of communication.  White

White whale is the record keeper of dna of the information of the cosmos.

He teaches us through sound and music to create. White whales dance with the sounds of creation.

More characteristics of white dolphins and white whales

Love-light-happiness-supported by the light-strengthen by sensitivity

Limitless, Unknowable,No-thing, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility,First Cause, in manifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space,Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God

Christ-like, healer,compassionate, protected, blessing,

teacher of teachers, inspiration, honest,

Angels of healing and guidance

Duality, Division,Polarity, Choice, Gestation,

Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic,Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive,Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory,Positive and Negative.



Like reiki

You can meditateon white dolphins and whales to ask for clearing and cleansing your aura,energy field also.


KUKAI MIKIO WU WEI LING by Ramon Martinez Lopez

IT OPENS AND CONNECT THE NEW light frequencies of heavens and lines of the now changing mother earth.


With your purchase you will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate.

Founder: Ramon Martinez Lopez

KŪKAI - 空海 -also known as Kōbōdaishi - 弘法大師 - was a tantric master who established theVajrayana teachings in Japan in the early 9th century.

Kūkai's name combines two elements. Firstly Kū (空 which in Sanskrit is ākāśa and means space, or emptiness (in the sense of śūnyata). Kūkaihad a strong association with the Bodhisattva Ākāśagarbha,known in Japanese as Kokūzo.

Secondly Kai (海;)means sea and perhaps relates to the story recounted by Oliver Statler in Japanese Pilgrimage that Kūkaigained Enlightenment on the coast at Cape Muroto, on Shikoku Island. So 'Kūkai'might be translated as Sea & Sky. Sea of consciousness and sky of infinity space.

MIKIO-means tree, in this case tree of unity, beyond duality. MIKIO REFERS TOTANTRIC PRACTICE of the union of heavens and earth deeply rooted in your body,heart and mind.

LINGQI-靈氣- means the spiritual energy of the mountains. It is Consistent, solid energy and everlasting and indestructible.

Wu Wei- is a Daoist (Taoist) belief, which speaks to theidea of letting nature take its course.

IT OPENS AND CONNECT THE NEW light frequencies of heavens and lines of the now changing mother earth. Similar to cosmic meridians and earth meridians but in an no duality form. It busts your healing capabilities.




Unity of dimensions, time and space

It is a key, a key to all futures and everyone's destiny. It is a point of power, a quantum vortex.

Purest love available

Surrounded by songs of creation with white dolphins and white whales,

Polishing your chakras, light bodies.

15th dimension, the unity of dimensions.

The origin of your soul. Soul family.


Stronger energy than traditional merkaba, up to 15th dimension.

It has been called the “Treasure of the World”

transformative power will that destroy all energetic blockages that exist at a lower frequency than itself (i.e., negativity, greed, control, etc.) while simultaneously accelerating the evolution of all life forms on Earth. Once it has completed its pre-destined goal, a planetary civilization based upon love and equality will finally emerge.

It first manifested on Earth many thousands of years, in order to reunite it with the mother stone it had been separated from, a massive jewel that resided in Shambhala, the Land of the Immortals.

Here Merkaba is the vehicle to unify, dimension in order to reunite with mother stone. Double Trapezohedron stone.

Remembering the Light Body is the most important step for us to take in realizing our full potential in The Great Becoming of the COSMOS. For those of you who know that God and the individual both live inside and function together as a Whole, theTrapezohedron merkaba attunements Workshop connects the information into a complete and wonderfully Love and Compassion EXPERIENCE.

You will receive the distant attunement, certificate and lineage information.


A hundred dragon attunements for financial system and empowerment - Activates Kundalini, Financial Blocks, Prosperity in Business, and more


Founder, Ramon Martinez Lopez

With your purchase you will receive the distant attunement, course notes and a certificate.


Activates your kundalini safely and

Activates violet fire for forgiveness of scarcity

Financial blocked in areas that should be healed for better distribution of resources.

Solidarity financial education.

Prosperity in business.

These energies can be for personal use, financial institutions, and the entire planet.

It is good for A betterment of the use of energy resources like, petrol,electricity, water, solar energy, renewable energies, free energy.

It can be use for the sustainability of the planet


The Iahum Empowerments by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Negative Energy, Protection, Clean Pranic Channels, Nervous System, Kundalini, Opens Pineal Gland


An ultimate healing system  by  Ramon Martinez Lopez 


Iahum means the dragon breath of god.

It completely burns up the garbage we store in the deeper levels of our being

It converts most of the negative energy released in this process into healing energy that heals us

It blows away all the remaining negative energy that we've released.

Through working with this energy you can: 

Take responsibility for our own mistakes

Stop blaming others

Release our shame

Release our guilt

Accept ourselves

Forgive ourselves

Love ourselves

So we can choose, peace, courage and happiness



Some uses/benefits of this system are:


You can heal your heart.


You can clean your pranic channels


You can put extra energy in your spiritual body


Cleans your nerve system


Cleans your kundalini


It opens your pineal gland to new frequencies of the universe.


It increases the electromagnetic flow in your body and aura


It increases the oxygen intake in your brain


It clears your mind for decision making.


You can be more present here and now.



It activates the picture with a potent and protective energy

It cleans your blood cells and strengthens your physical heart

Good for bone Marlow problems like leukemia

Good for varicose veins

Arterial disorders

Inheritaged family disorders related to your blood

Electromagnetic field that affects oxygen intake


You will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate. 






SAINT CYPRIAN EMPOWERMENTby Ramon Martinez Lopez - Protection, Love Spells, Magical Shield, Protection Against Danger/Calamities, Love, Relationships 

Saint Cyprian was born around the year 210 in the north of Africa. He was one of the first catholic priests of that time

But he was dedicated to magical practices the years before being ordered high priest. He knew about white and black magic and wrote a book called “The Grinomium” which includes rites of esoteric magic of those times.


This empowerment protection rite was handed to us by Saint Cyprian. He was a martyr and is considered to be the saint for protection and love spells. Benefits, among which is the formation of a magical shield, protection against danger andcalamities, love relationships.


Here you are attuned to Saint Cyprian the saint

You will receive Manual, distant attunement and a certificate.


Tachyon rays activations,

Ten attunements by Ramòn Martínez founder master

This system combines the properties of tachyon and light rays.

It absorbs negative particles from your body and ambient. It makes a bounding for the dimensional and supradimensional spiritual particles. Coherence in your electromagnetic field and heart.

You are more than your believes, this energy facilitates manifesting your true self, knowing who you are.

Electromagnetic Balance with earth and cosmos.

You can use these energies on others on yourself on objects, buildings, places, past events in your life.

you will receive manual, distant attunement and certificate.



Sari gulan and phul attunements

the Moon Essence Love Spell


This spell attracts a specific person and stimulates them to offer their love and affections.


About phul

Olympic spirits are 'gods' and cannot be ordered about.

Each spirit was assigned a planet and they had total control over them. There are seven different governments of the Spirits of Olympus and they are appointed the whole of the universe to be governed.


Cuprite Attunement and Empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez -power, security, confidence, sexuality, kundalini, addictions, alcoholism

Power, security, confidence, sexuality, kundalini, addictions, alcoholism Cuprite is a red to brown mineral with high copper content. Metaphysical lore says that itis helpful for reducing worries about things one has no control over,awareness, teaching, and delivering spiritual messages. Cuprite is associated with kundalini energy as well as opening the flow of the base (root) chakra,spleen chakra, the solar plexus chakra, crownchakra and balancing the heart and base chakras. As a root chakra stone, it is considered very grounding and stabilizing, electromagnetic balance. It isassociated in traditional and mystical lore with will power, security, confidence, sexuality, and masculine energy. Mystically it is used to recalland examine past life experiences. It has been historically said to help heal one's relationship with their father. Traditional folklore and crystal healing lore purport that cuprite is helpful for healing problems with the thymus,heart, blood metabolism (especially imbalances), muscle tissue, skeletal system, oxygenation of the blood, stamina, kidneys, menstrual cramps, vertigo,water retention, vitamin absorption, addictions and alcoholism.


The Hotsuma Futomani system - THE ORIGIN OF REIKI,

Heal DNA, Restore Soul connection, Heal Soul Wounds, Rejuvenation, Heal Organs, Balance Chi Energy, Speak Your Truth



With your purchase you will receive the manual from Author and Founder, Ramon Martinez Lopez, and the distant attunement and a certificate with lineage.


The Hotsuma Futomani system

 Here you are attuned and empowered to the origins of reiki.

the origins of Futomani chart

 Toyoke, lord of the japanese northern, drew up a chart using 51 phonetic symbols to represent the 49 deities residing in the heavens. This he presented to his daughter Isanami and her spouse Isanagi, 8th in the line of divine rulers of Japan.


Amateru, sonof Isanagi and Isanami, had his nobles compose poems based on Toyoke's chart.From these, he selected 128, which were then set down as the Futomani Book of Divination (the origin of Shinto divination rituals).

THE BOOK OF HEAVEN AND THE BOOK OF EARTH were published by Kushimikatama-Wanihiko around 600 B.C. and the third part THE BOOK OF MANwas registered by Ootaneko.

 The symbols A-U-WA in the inner circle represent Amemiwoya, the creatorof heaven and earth.

The Amemiwoya (majestic Heavenly Ancestor) deity


We are the result of A and WA and the hara strengthen our connection to original energy.


a-    Represents the light

u- Represents the principle of life, you

wa- represents the vital force of life. Focus, power


·      0;  Restore your soul connection,

·      0;  Heal soul wounds

·      0;  Rejuvenate physically

·      0;  Heal your organs

·      0;  Balance your chi energy

·      0;  Speak your truth

·      0;  Be center

Use for healing, protect yourself, your space, and meditate. 





By Founder: Ramon Martinez Lopez 

A BAAL SHEM is a Master of the name of god, written with the four Hebrew letters.

A BAAL SHEM is someone who knows the pronunciation of the god name, and could vibrate it silently.

BAAL SHEM is a helping spirit. BAAL SHEM TOV is the good spirit that protects against bad spirits.

The spirit sent to initiate the seeker is Elijah the prophet.

Once initiated, the BAAL SHEM is able to work miracles through the knowledge of the name of four letters, representing the primal sounds used by god to speak to creation. Also you can lay your hands on others for healing.

BAAL SHEM is especially useful in exorcism, deliver evil spirits out of the living body.

SHOFAR sound of the horm associated with judgment day, invoke the power of god, before whom Satan oppose cannot stand. Any energy opposing god will it is dismissed.

The BAAL SHEM helps to heal the people and defend them against devil.

You will receive the manual by founder and author, Ramon Martinez Lopez, the distant attunement and a certificate. 







Oxytocin makes it possible for two people wishing to establish a serious relationship

based on love and fidelity. Is released during sex and is responsible for that after sex

hugging want to stay and tell your partner how much you want. At the same time, this

hormone motivates men to seek the satisfaction of his partner rather than just comply

with it. In short, is the guarantee of a relationship based on monogamy and fidelity.

Promotes a long-term partner and facilitates the start of a romantic love.

Oxytocin is released from the first sexual intercourse between a couple, and enables

both have the initiative to start a serious relationship. As the couple have more sex,

the stronger the link between the two, since this hormone in turn relieves stress and

promotes tenderness, love, trust between two people and the desire for a person to be

only yours .



WHITE FIRE DRAGON BLOOD FRUIT FLOWER HYLOCEREUS ATTUNEMENTS Ramon -improves channeling, opens energy channels, removes toxic/karmic imprints, more










opens and clarifies your energy channels

Clarifies your mind.

Cools your energy system when you are channeling hot energies like earth kundalini.


Protects Aura

You will receive the manual by founder, Ramon Martinez Lopez, the distant attunement and a certificate.







Asmaul Husna or Divine Names are used by the gurus to increase Inner Strength or"Tenaga Dalam," and to form a powerful magnetic-shield surrounding the body. This power protects one from negative forces and even deflects aggressors or attackers as they come charging emotionally towards one's body.

Includes the manual, distant attunement and a certificate. 




Panglarutan-the Vampirism of an Opponent's Powers Empowerment



With your purchase you will receive the manual from Author and Founder, Ramon Martinez Lopez, and the distant attunement and a certificate with lineage.



The Panglarutan power-mantra gives one the ability to take back the magickal powers and the Inner Strength or Tenaga Dalam of one's opponents that vampires you or try to vampires.

This is also a good way to dissolve karmic cords that drain your power, claiming your divine power back!






Fire Dragon Portal Attunements - Guides for Personal Journeys, Trusted Companions, Protectors, Connect to Passions, True Power, More



With your purchase you will receive the manual from Author and Founder, Ramon Martinez Lopez, and the distant attunement and a certificate with lineage.


Dragons are protectors.They look after all beings (both in spiritual and physical forms) in their chosen area. They provide portals for all beings and help shape the land through energy and nature's elements. Dragons can be guides for our personal journeys in both past life, present daily events, and the astral realm. Theyare teachers of true treasure and become trusted companions for life. When we put aside the fear and old energy of misunderstanding we not only find great wisdom, but also we watch the connection to Mother Earth that many of Earth's children have forgotten.

Fire Dragons


Characteristics: Passionate, emotional, protective, and fiery temper.They often large body shape with horns, wings, and fiery breath.

Service: Helps us connect to our passions in life, creates loud voice to express our opinions and needs, shows us the boundaries we need with others,and teaches us true power.

Connection: Flames and candles, stones of red (rubies, carnelian,jasper) spices herbs (basil, ginger, cinnamon) red fiery dragon pictures orstatues.





The practice of White Mahakalais done to bring wealth and good fortune in the areas of family, business, knowledge andspirituality. The practice removes obstacles to the flow of prosperity and invokes positive energies. ABOUT WHITE MAHAKALA White Mahakala is a powerful deity of wealth and prosperity. He is a wrathful form of the deity of compassion,Avalokiteshvara. In this form, he demonstrates the compassionate activity of overcoming obstacles and attracting positive influences. His body is white and he is standing. He has six arms,each holding a different implement, and three eyes. He isadorned with jeweled ornaments and wears a beautiful skirt made of many scarves with jewels hanging down on the skirt. His main right hand holds a wish-fulfilling jewel mounted on a jewel-tipped handle infront of his chest. This emblem appears in pictures of deities associated with wealth. You will receive the manual by Author and Founder, Ramon Martinez Lopez, the distant attunement and a certificate.


Prosperity mantras attunements and empowerment by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Prayer with PROPERITY MANTRAS releases an energy that emanates from the human heart that has a direct effect on the environment.

This energy comes directly from the soul and is filtered through various parts of the mind. We will call this energy divine creative force.

 Miraculous Prayer uses the force of the miraculous to bring about a desired result.

 Adding positive emotion to the energy of a prayer improves the outcome of the prayer.

Repeat a prayer mantra focused on your desired outcome.

Mantras are ancient gears that are designed to empower the force of prayer. The rosary is one good example of a prayer mantra. Repetition amplifies the force of a prayer and gives it more power. Your brain waves changes into alpha state, good for healing and connecting to universal energy

If you Pray for others the energy increases do to unconditional love involve in it; especially strangers.

You will receive the manual by Founder and Author, Ramon Martinez Lopez, the distant attunement and a certifcate with lineage.



Insulin Attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez - For both Diabetes type 1 and 2


You will receive the manual, by founder and author, Ramon Martinez Lopez, distant attunement and a certificate. 

Insulin is one of the mostcommonly used therapeutic agents used in diabetes. While the structureof this complex protein has been studied in detail there were parts of thereceptor for insulin that were not clearly defined till now. This receptor is aprotein that exists on the surfaces of cells and binds to the insulin molecule.These receptors are responsible for the action of insulin on the cells. Histeam is also involved in another important aspect involving the structure ofrelated Type 1 insulin-like growth factorreceptor, to which insulin-like growth factors bind.



For legal reasons, the systems for empowerments, attunements, activations are a form of energy healing. As such, it always helps and never harms. If you have any type of disease, see your doctor immediately. The healing energy is a big appendix to medical treatment but not made as a replacement for medical attention. The manual has been written to provide information on the system offered. If medical attention is needed a competent professional should be sought. The purpose of the manual and healing sessions are to educate and help you in spiritual, mental,emotional and physical evolution. The author or the therapist has no responsibility if any person or entity alleged damage caused directly or indirectly by the report.


It improves the action of the insulin in cells

Insulin dna emoTional and physical balance




Karma remover and light body mantra attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez


 The Manual Includes The Karma Remover Prayer.  The prayer clears the stains of karma in one's subconsciousness and book of soul-record (akasha).  It has to be chanted with full sincerity. Chant it once and the Almighty will remove the stains of karma that troubles you. Chant it twice, and the cleansing effect would extend to your wife and child; chant it three times, it would remove the karmic stains of your family.  If you should chant it for 4x, even your parents would be purified and Your ancestors line up to seventh generation would be purified.

 It allows you to be in your physical body and the information of your dna it is purified also.

The Attainment of the Body of Light Mantra 

The mantra in the manual increases the spiritual light quotient in one's lower force-fields and raises one's spiritual dignity.  By chanting regularly  for an indefinite amount of times, at the time of one's so-called death, one would undergo the perfect death and be able to realize the physical body and immediately function in the Body of Light without any break in consciousness.

You will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate. 







Ammonite was first discovered and used by Blackfoot Indians who named it” Iniskim” or buffalo stone. Iniskim were use for their powerful healing properties with nearly every family possessing one.

Ammonite  is a fossilized cephalopod, a sea creature who lived 400 million years ago and disappeared with the dinosaur. Because of it's age and beauty, it is a protective stone said to promote longevity. In the middle ages it was called Draconite and was believed to come from dragons. Shamans have used the stone to amplify and enhance magical powers. In feng shui, it is said to bring wealth and abundance. Associated with the Root Chakra, it is a stone of grounding and survival.



Fonon essence attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez - activates primordial connection to the light of God or Sacred Energy that You are


Quantun science has determent that solid matter like crystals can be defined, shapedand be molded by sounds. These hypothetical sound particles are called fonons.Fonons are cold energy that perfect physical structure.

Esoterically, is the “Sound currentvibrating in all creation. It can be heard by the inner ears.”  Variously referred to as the Audible Life Stream, Inner Sound, Sound Current or Wordin English, is the esoteri cessence of God which is available to all human beings.

The first sound of creation.

You are attuned To the main strain of all creation using this.

It activates your primordial connection to the light of god or sacred energy that you are-

You can listen more clearly your hearts song linked with all the creation-

It Can be use to strengthen other mantras-

It can be use on cleansing crystals for healing properties and strengthen them-

You can create antennas for specific purposes-

You will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate 






Your heart shines in White Gold, Pink and Violet energy. Frequencies of unconditional love, freedom of your being, you can be who you are. White gold laser light beam for permeating and penetrating inside your body and outside, it means interdimensional freeing energy.





Means that we are perfect in love,

Regenerate tissues

Timeless in matter

You are supported by the love of mother earth

Spin of energy moves around your physical body

It bolts your new body to the new frequencies of the earth changing

You can activate the energy in objects and places and other uses like Reiki.

HEART OF REIKI KUNDALINI is healing your ancestor’s heart frequencies with unconditional love.

Everything has been created because of love. It happens because of you. This is HEART OF REIKI KUNDALINI


Activate the energy in your kidneys for healing.


You will receive the manual, distant attunement and certificate.




there are so many spiritual and healing systems Nowadays. Thischanneling has arrived to ease the spiritual work. You can call universal energy and combine several systems for healing, meditation and so on.

It eases the ligthwork And it mingles with any specific lightwork if necessary.

You have tobe a healing-spiritual multimaster and you have to be attuned at least in about a hundred systems.

This system should be sold in low cost, to facilitate channeling of the spiritual masters.


You will receive the manual, certificate and distant attunement



Aladdin's Magick Ring by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Tool for creativity, store magical knowledge/wisdom, protection for children/develop skills, more



A good lamp will brigth your way. A good ring will free it." YOU ARE THE LIGHT!!!

After these words the magician drew a ring off his finger, and put iton one of Aladdin's, saying: ‘It is a talisman against all evil, so long as youobey me.'"The Arabian Nights”

Some of the story of Aladdin

He is an impoverished young ne'er-do-well in a Chinese town, who is recruited by asorcerer from the Maghreb, who passes himself off as the brother of Aladdin's late father Qaseem,convincing Aladdin and his mother of his goodwill by apparently making arrangements to set up the lad as a wealthy merchant. The sorcerer's realmotive is to persuade young Aladdin to retrieve a wonderful oil lamp from a booby-trapped magic cave of wonder. After the sorcerer attempts to double-cross him,Aladdin finds himself trapped in the cave. Fortunately, Aladdin retains a magic ring lent to him by the sorcerer. When he rubs his hands in despair, heinadvertently rubs the ring, and a jinni, or "genie", appears, who takes him home to his mother. Aladdin is still carrying the lamp, and when hismother tries to clean it, a second, far more powerful genie appears, who isbound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp. With the aid of thegenie of the lamp, Aladdin becomes rich and powerful and marries Princess Badroulbadour, the Emperor's daughter. The genie builds Aladdin a wonderful palace – far more magnificent than that of the Emperor himself.

the practitioner of these teachings would have a good percentage of success in their application with the appropriate knowledge at hand.

 About the ring

Very powerful tool for creativity

Store magical knowledge and wisdom

You can put the ring etherically on children for protection and to develop their skills

So the ring can make your live more prosperous and creative. Think magic be magic all around yourself!

For Cleaning and cleansing your mental and emotional bodies.

Physically restorative.

Aura protection for every 24 hour.

You will receive the manual, attunement and a certificate


Dragon of Reiki Grand Master by Ramon Martinez Lopez





You can feel to be in contact with the universal life energy, that one has more confident about spiritual force and the strength of peace of mind, body and soul obtained from this practice. It regenerates cell tissues. This great harmony can be send to the whole humanity. It opens an universal channel for groups of people for spiritual awareness.

You can feel to be in contact with the universal great spirit of the all light masters, that one has more confident about spiritual force and the strength of great spirit obtained from this practice.

You can feel the strength of the great pearl of the dragon of light in your body and soul obtained from this practice. It balances electromagnetic fields in huge physical areas. This dragon is the great guardian of REIKI CHANNEL Observer of your intentions and thoughts. So you can manifest easily. You can Breathe deeply and send the energy through your breath for cleansing, protection and increase the power of light, increase the power of love, increase the power of wisdom. You can activate THE GREAT PEARL OF THE DRAGON OF REIKI every 7 days. You can put your intention into some specific area or issue to be solved and concluded.

You can feel the strength of the great angel of masters of light in your body and soul obtained from this practice. Guided by, protected by, and balanced of the energyelectromagnetic field by this Angel.

you can feel to be in contact with the universal forgiveness and passion in your lower chakras, that one has more confident about spiritual force and the strength of forgiveness and passion obtained from this practice. When someone releases traumas through forgiveness, someone can take life with passion.



Uses Symbols:

Dai Shen

Dai xin

Dai An


Dai tian shi  

Dai Shu and Dai Jiqing

You will receive the manual, distant attunements, and certificate.

$ 250

HIZBUL AUTAAD ATTUNEMENTS by Ramon - Attune to Hisbul Autaad/Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany, saint, magickal shield, protection from danger, calamities


The prayer rite was handed to us by Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany. He was aneminent Sufi and is considered to be the saint of all saints. The prayer has many benefits, among which is the formationof a magickal shield, protection against danger and calamitiesm prosperity, etc.  You are attuned to Hisbul Autaad and Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany the saint.

You will receive the distant attunement, manual and a certificate. 



IS- ISSA LOVE ESSENCE ATTUNEMENTS by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Balance Male/Female Heart/Brain, Holographic Visions, Spiritual Experiences and MORE




 IS is a term to define male

ISSA is aterm to define female

Both are complementary

And are reflective to each other and can live in communion

We can balance our male and female heart-brain aspects in these attunements


 Lutein isdirectly related in production of pheromones, ovulation and testosterone

Oxitocyn is related directly in long lasting relationships and it is influence by theheart activity do to a close relation between heart and brain action. Also dopamine and serotonin make the interaction between male and female more exciting and balance.

Agripicoline  it is related with genital excitement in both sexes. While exceed prolactin it is produced when someone it is depressed.


A brain forbasic functions, breathing, heart beating, and survival functions

A brain related in emotional, pleasure functions

A brain related in higher functions, dreaming, holographic visions, abstract ideas, spiritual experiences like seeing angels,listening messages

It is a very powerful connection for balance and meditation

Useful in depression


Drug addiction

Good loving-sexual relationships

For having an “out happy live view”

 It increases the connection between three brains

like limbic system, nucleus accumbens, cerebral cortex, reptilian brain and neocortex

and much more


You will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate.



KAWIBAWA EMPOWERMENT by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Develop a Powerful Presence - Authority- Eyes and Voice of Power - Dominate/Intimidate Aggressors


Develop a Powerful Presence!

With the Kawibawa power you shall acquire a powerful mien and become someone as though with authority. An unlimited magical force will be stored inside of you. Your eyes and voice will be full of power. People might feel your force as overpowering and obey your command. This power is especially useful to dominate or intimidate aggressors. it opens your third, fourh and fifth eye. 

You will receive the distant attunement, manual and a certificate. 




Increase Your Healing Power Attunements by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Increase Personal and Remote Healing Power - Advanced Energy Work



Reiki form of use

Personal and remote healing


These attunements are for Reiki masters

Any advanced energy work

Powerful Mantra!

“Mantras are sounds that comes from thedivine and a way to integrate our divine power back again”


You will receive the manual, distant attunement and a certificate.



SELKIS, ATON RA AND BLUE SCORPION VENOM ATTUNEMENTS by Ramon Martinez Lopez Helpful in treatment of cancer/autoimmune/tumors/inflammation



Selkis - Water Scorpion. From the nineteenth dynasty, Scorpion land. Scorpio woman or female body with a scorpion on her head. In Dynasty XXI manifests woman's body and lion's head with the neck being protected by a crocodile EGYPTIAN NAME: SERQET/ SERKETHETU GREEK NAME /

ROMAN: Selkis

ATON-RA RA SHU Aten Aton was a sun god of ancient Egypt representing the solar disk in the sky. He was considered the spirit that encouraged life on Earth in Egyptian mythology

The Blue Scorpio venom is beneficial in treatments for lung cancers and other tumors of the cervix, prostate and pancreas, in addition to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Scorpio is considered the oldest terrestrial arthropods with about 400 million years, and is used for medicinal purposes since the eighteenth century.

Reiki form of use.

It has been developed with the invocation and mantra for preparing healing treatments in water or oil (like flower therapy or external use), with the healing properties of the blue scorpion venom.

Helpful in treatment of cancer. Autoimmune disorders.


Golden dragon black pearl attunement


Black pearl contains and emits dna vibrations from the entire planet 


This is the dragon for earth balance

Try to see, feel or imagine a black pearl under your feet and how you can push another big black pearl with your hands. This increases the vibration.

Black pearl is very protective and contains all the earth dna. Lumen dna. You can protect your dna and chakras.

“You are empowered

when your symbols allow you to embed in the world”

black pearl contains all the vibrations of mother earth from the beginning of creation. It is like the bed of the seas, the sediment of millions of years, So much information of life.

It is a Very protective, exiting, joyful and heart opening energy.

Imagine how you can balance your seven chakras with a black golden pearl

Take your time.


You can use it in a crowded area for protection. Imagine a big golden black pearl surrounding you.


You strengthen your inner channels of light and increase your healing powers as well. Inner channels like spin points where meridians and chakras meet.

Black pearl has a regenerative tissue effect and electromagnetic body balance.



Theses attunements are very powerful, you do not need to be a reiki master but the energy can be overwhelming.

Under the highest will, use this energy

If you pass the attunements be sure that the person are honest in their purposes for the highest good of the all sentient beings.

You can send as much energy as you can personally or remote to balance so much energy that you receive with these attunements.


Api Putih by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Indonesian Shamanism/Tantric Shamanism -for Remote Healing, Personal Protection, Psychic/Black Magic Protection


The mantras used in this system carry the essence of Indonesian Shamanism and Tantric Shamanism, and are useful for remote healing other people, personal protection, the ability to attract any man or woman as your lover. However, the greatest ability is to transferany psychic capability in just a few minutes. Then all you have to do is gainsome experience working with it.


MACAN, tiger

API, fire

PUTIH, white


paralyze your enemies

gives your authority back

psychic protection

black magic protection

purifies your aura



Samba Tan Macan Putih ATTUNEMENT


This spell gives one the power that will assist the practitioner whenever

he is faced with powerful enemies. the practitioner will be triumphant.








The mantras used in this system carry the essence of Indonesian Shamanism and Tantric Shamanism, and are useful for personal use, remote healing other people, personal protection.

MACAN, tiger

PUTIH, white

API, fire




·        psychic protection

·        black magic protection

·        purifies your aura

·        purifies your intentions in order to gain clarity

·        clearing of your higher heart chakra to purify your soul

·        golden light in fire purifies everything; places, objects, mental body, emotional, physical body

·        This light push you forward in your life path

It is a good choise after API PUTI MACAN




Vuvusela Attunement - Energy System of African Violet by Ramon Martinez


Vuvusela Attunement by Ramon Martinez Lopez

Energy System of African Violet

Can be used like Reiki or for Flower Therapy.

You are attuned to:


· 0;Passion for life

· 0;Love, happiness

· 0;Kundalini opening

· 0;Immune energy bust

· 0;Energy channel for connecting heart-mind

· 0;Throat chakra opening

· 0;Purpose focusing and dissolving obstacles

· 0;Uriel flower energy; mental plane, thoughts, ideas


You will receive the manual, certificate and distant attunement.






Om Sha Mua Tank Ma Pra EMPOWERMENT MANTRA AND SYMBOL by Ramón Martínez lópez


OM means universalenergy

SHA vital energy comingfrom the earth


Eternity, continuum


Supreme energy to the highest point of your being


Destroy all negativity

It can be used for personal protection or surroundings.


 Personal use only

 0; cleaning objects

 0; cleaning aura

 0; protection

 0; awakens earth kundalini

 0; activates your first chakra very powerfully

 0; lot of heating in your body and aura for protection

 0; visualize or think that you are in a pyramid surrounded by themantra and symbol, good for grounding energy and release exceed of energy

AND MORE through practice - use your intuition


You will receive manual, certificate and distant attunement.







It activates a Powerful Shakti for your balance spiritual and physical evolution here on earth.

RepairsDNA, including the chromosomes and genes, and removes any harmful programs such as those for disease or negative habits. The process connects to life energy and enhances DNA by creating new, positive potentials. Losing one's connectionto life energy is the underlying cause of many chronic health problems.

Uses and purpose

0; For your personal spiritual and physical balance evolution

0; For healing yourself and other;

0; Dna healing

0; Soul level

0; Physical body, antiaging effect

0; Renewing your spiritual heritage

0; Healing mother earth

0; Universal and human race love healing

0; Easy processing physical energies from environment, food, water,breathing…

0; Easy accessing spiritual energies for manifestation

0; Healing environments, surroundings from negative EMF

0; Healing age related chronic cellular energy lossdiseases

0; Skin disorders, tissue disorders

0; You can prepare creams, oils, and water remediesjust saying the mantras for treatments to the recipient with the substance tobe applied. It takes 2 minutes to make it effective.

0; And much more



Mystic Rose Levels One and Two by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Mystic rose is the manifestation of God in humanity is the

divine spark that lives in us. The Rose of the World supports the

creation of which we all belong and we are not separated

from it. His light shines more than the sun, can´t negative

entities nor demons cause damage to your radiant presence

with the star power of this Rose.

Feminine power is resurgent today, which means movements

for peace, rejection of coercive methods of social

repression, a desire for greater beauty, love, cooperation,

characterized by the values, the search for higher quality

life with sensitivity and wisdom and strength in balance

with the masculine.

The rose is the mystical union with the microcosm of the

macrocosm, your spiritual essence and the essence of the

universe come together for purification and healing.

The new pattern of consciousness that will determine the

manifestation of the new Earth is what I call "The Holy

Rose," the energy of the twin flame. Polar forces of the

Divine Energy held in perfect balance, the awareness of God

can manifest in our culture in the angelic human form that

can heal with the power of the twin flame,

Zagzagel is the Archangel who guides us and put in touch

with the mystic rose. It teaches us to listen and look

within ourselves, helps us to discern from the heart

without prejudice or fear. Teaches us to listen to our

inner truth and guided by it. Provides mental stillness

heading towards eternal peace and depths of our being, to

transcend the joys and sorrows with a passing encircle

unimaginable ecstasy in our union with the divine.

In the second level master degree you are attuned to your twin flame.

You will receive two distant attunements, manual and certificate.


Golden Dragon Pearl by Ramon Martinez Lopez - Tune in and integrate the jewel of the dragon with the heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmos


Golden Dragon Pearl

Golden Pearl, transcends the duality of the subconscious and the conscious, the sun and the moon are forming a single energy, the golden pearl. Activates and harmonizes the energy in the first and second chakra, foot contact with the earth and hips energy. It balances the inner core that sits the heart chakra and soul and ascend from the throatchakra to crown chakra with golden energy pervading everything. Activates the earth kundalini. There is a golden chamber around the physical heart, this is the golden dragon pearl. It activates your inner and outer divinity.

There is a place in your heart where sits the spiritual heart. Tune in and integrates the jewel of the dragon with the heart of Mother Earth and the cosmos.


You will receive manual, distant attunement and certificate.


Egyptian Tantric Reiki Light Body Activation by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Activate your light bodies with the energy of most of the mysteries of antiquity.

Over ten activations with light energy.

Your bodies, physical, soul, ethereal rise to a vibrational level updated with new energy.

Discover the immortality of being in your physical body.

You will receive manual, distant attunement and certificate.




Initiations and attunements with 28 mandalas in oracle cards, you can perform a self-unmediated by a Reiki master. Very transformer channeled light beings with the spiritual center of the galaxy. Amplifies your meditation, and healing ability to create, for yourself and others. Receive messages from the cosmos.

You will receive manual, distant attunement and certificate.


Dragon of Kuan Yin by Ramon Martinez Lopez


The sacred dragons. These benevolent and fully conscious

beings exist and are to a degree a part of the Earth and

humanity. They have supreme and divine intelligence are

extremely advanced. They are protectors of humanity and

the planet and are awakening to a greater role in the

Cosmic Trigger. These beings are masters of what

kundalini is designated and as such are involved in design

aspects of ley lines and lines that are actually dragon

arteries of the life force on your planet. They are awake and

involved a major role in the formation of new lines of energy

within the electromagnetic wave of the Cosmic Trigger.

Benevolent dragons are sacred beings who still live on

planet earth.

Awaken the Sacred Dragon!

You will receive the manual, distant attunement and certificate.


Pink and White Tara by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Pink Tara is kind but incisive, honest counselor for those who seek guidance

about relationships and personal matters of the heart. She comes in a visual

form, to others in spoken form or in a profound sense of well-being.

White Tara is for wisdom, merit, and long life (for the practitioner). We’re imploring

White Tara for these things so that we can gain enlightenment and

help all sentient beings.

You will receive the manual, distant attunement and certificate.


Isis Light Body Activation by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Activate the energy of the goddess Isis to develop your cosmic meridians of the earth with the healing energies of ancient Egypt. Isis was the Egyptian goddess of motherhood and fertility. She is presently working with our crystalline bodies of light. As we ascend, the more energy flows through us. Isis is here to help with the changes. Not only the physical, mental and emotional as well.

You will receive manual, certificate and distant attunement.


The Way of the Diamond Reiki by Ramon Martinez Lopez


Its for calling in Divine Universal Energies. The Great Diamond light surrounds you cutting all the negativities in your life. It provides a clear mind, stronger connection to higher self, and divine mind. It is a multipurpose system with amazing energies!

You will receive the manual, certificate and distant attunement.



Universal Mantra of Goddesses & Universal Mantra of Gods Attunements by Ramon Martinez



Quantum physics has shown us that we change the basic nature of matter

just by thinking and feeling about it.

Prayer with GODS AND GODDESSES MANTRAS releases an energy that

emanates from the human heart that has a direct effect on the environment.

This energy comes directly from the soul and is filtered through various parts

of the mind. We will call this energy divine creative force.

Miraculous Prayer uses the force of the miraculous to bring about a desired


Adding positive emotion to the energy of a prayer improves the outcome of

the prayer.

Repeat a prayer mantra focused on your desired outcome.

You will receive:







Ecstasies Mantras by Ramon Martinez


Quantum physics has shown us that we change the basic nature of matter

just by thinking and feeling about it.

Prayer with ECSTASIES MANTRAS releases an energy that emanates

from the human heart that has a direct effect on the environment.

This energy comes directly from the soul and is filtered through various

parts of the mind. We will call this energy divine creative force.

Miraculous Prayer uses the force of the miraculous to bring about a

desired result.

Adding positive emotion to the energy of a prayer improves the outcome

of the prayer.

Repeat a prayer mantra focused on your desired outcome.

Mantras are ancient gears that are designed to empower the force of

prayer. The rosary is one good example of a prayer mantra. Repetition

amplifies the force of a prayer and gives it more power. Your brain waves

changes into alpha state, good for healing and connecting to universal


you will receive attunement, certificate and manual.


