Blue Pearl empowerments
Blue Pearl is also known as the sphere of unmanifest light.
Yogis see it like who contains the entire world within Himself, within the
Blue Pearl in meditation. That supreme unmanifest Being
is extremely secret to seekers. He is the goal of
the Siddha path.
This is not something that can ever be expressed
in speech or writing, even at the end of time.
It is only through His grace that
divine realization
will come.
You will learn about the 4 bodies
Supra causal body, one of them.
Beyond the Physical Body
8 Levels of Soul Existence.
Unique mantras and empowerments. 19 manual pages.
If you are and very advance spiritual practitioner, this workshops is for you. if you are a beginner in the spiritual world this workshop is for you.
Practice in meditation is recommended, to develop these energies.