Invalid energy of my workshops:


Do to the workshops exchanging attunements, i have to say that any of my workshops which are not done by the present cost shown in this page, you have to consider invalid energy of my workshops and can damage your aura. Unless i have allow myself for other reasons of service. If you received an attunement from different costs with different master the quality of the energy it is about 1% of the real workshop. Please check it with myself first.


Attention! All OLD manuals, energy and other products has BAD work or Not work!

The energies have become weak! Because people began to give them to everyone in a row (free of charge, with discounts, and without my consent), not observing the rules and cleanliness of the energy exchange! Having ruined the energy flows, weakening all the strength of all the old energy products, settings and manuals!

To purify and fill all old weak purchases of energies, settings and manuals with power – you have to accept a new, powerful energy force.


Just for Iranian, the people who received course Abdolhakim kalteh have my permission. telegram ID(ABABILDRAGON).


Also the energies receive from Tracey Loper you must offer with no discounts, she is the only one which has permission to make discounts.


This energy is called – “Increase Energy Nowadays”

The cost of this powerful energy = $300.00

To increase the power of all the old energies for you!