

Pema is a Sanskrit word that translates as wisdom force or compassion force. In Tibetan Buddhism, Pema refers to the energy or force that arises from the union of wisdom and compassion. Pema is the foundation of Buddhist practice and is what enables Buddhists to advance on their spiritual path.

The lotus flower symbolizes spiritual growth, renewal, and rebirth, urging us to let go of what no longer serves us and to trust in the support of the universe. It represents the inner sanctuary, a sacred space within oneself, guiding us toward deeper understanding, self-awareness, and connection to the divine. The lotus flower teaches resilience and strength, reminding us that fragile strength is not a weakness, but a badge of honor forged in the fire of struggle. It embodies cosmic harmony and balance, infusing us with purpose, meaning, and direction, and cultivating inner peace and serenity untainted by negativity. The spiritual guidance of the lotus flower helps to transcend the confines of the ego, opening the doors to soul freedom, mental clarity, and a profound shift in consciousness.





From the primordial illumination, ADI BUDDHA, to the buddha of empowerment of cosmic light, Vajrochana to the buddha of purification, Vajrasattva, to the lotus of light to me and now to you.



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