Mantra for
Ancestor Worship
In Indonesian culture, like many others, ancestor worship is based on animist beliefs that one’ forefathers live on after death. Indonesians consider their ancestors to be worthy of reverence. And so, ancestor veneration is practiced as a way of maintaining the harmony between this
Bathe in the Water of Life, in the Light of Essence and the Flowers of True Perfection; the world is sacred, the afterlife is sacred, when the corpse vanishes its impurities will all trade places and disappear from God’s form, which is lawful on the inside, perfect on the outside.
Bird of the heart, close the gates of hell, open the gates of heaven. All that happens in the seven earths and seven heavens is known by your Lord. The noble dying Essence is called True Perfection, for it nobly vanishes into unification with God; verily, God is Life; True Life is Rasa (Divine Nectar; Essence); True Rasa is Spirit; True Spirit is The Essence. The dying Spirit re-turns to God’s Essence. The cage of desires breaks open, for it is damaged. One’s life vanishes into The Holy, unifying the servant with The Essence of the Lord.
After having recited the first verse, one prepares a bowl filled with water to imbue it with the power of the prayer. This holy water is then poured over the dead person’s body.
Alternatively, one can dedicate the fruits of merit to the deceased person symbolically by pouring the holy water on the floor. Or just think about it.
Javanese Mantra
Mantra to Invoke
the Four Spiritual Siblings
Based on the ancient teachings of traditional Javanese mysticism, it is said that every person is born having four spiritual brothers.
One’s spiritual siblings are named Kakang Kawah, Adi Ari-Ari, Puser and Getih. Kakang (Javanese: elder brother, aetheric, akasha, ancestors memory and feeding) Kawah is the amniotic fluid; he resides in the East and his aura is white. Adi (Javanese: younger brother) is the placenta; he resides in the West, and the color of his aura is yellow. Puser (Javanese: navel) is umbilical cord; he resides in the North, and he has a black aura. Getih (Javanese: blood) is blood; he resides in the South, and the color of his aura is red.
Deepening the meaning:
The Amniotic Fluid we exist in while in the womb is not only a fluid that protects and nurtures us but is also a fluid of un-remembrance; a fluid that gives us Amnesia from remembering not only our past lives but the Beauty and magnificence of the Spirit Realm as well.
The blood is an "electric" fluid that carries in itself a suspended form of the vital principle of life, which is absorbed by us through the act of respiration. The Hindu tradition classifies this vital principle as Prana.
In many other human cultures, the blood is seen as a prevailing symbol of life.
The placenta or amnion: a sacred organ that supports and develops new Life, and the fetus’ only source of food, blood, oxygen, and nutrients.
The placenta is part of the consciousness of the whole mother-baby unit; therefore, the emotional and physical shift caused by the experience of giving birth may cause women to feel a genuine sense of loss of literally giving part of themselves for new life to exist. This feeling may be mistakenly masked by the euphoria of finally embracing the newborn, yet, it indeed becomes imprinted on the mother’s soul. Placenta burying rituals have the power to create closure of the pre-birth physical connection and end any potential unhealthy emotional dependence between mother and child. It can be even more powerful and meaningful when done in conjunction with a milestone, such as a blessing, a birthday, or the return of menstruation.
Our navel reminds us that we were once intimately connected to our mother. Through the umbilical cord she poured her life’s blood into us. Detached from our mother prematurely, we would have died.
In addition to the physical link within the womb, mother and baby form an emotional, spiritual bond. Sonograms result in remarkable in utero pictures these days, but even those images cannot capture the spiritual cords that join baby to mother. Those cords are invisible. And real. And life-giving.
Being born severs that visible, physical link and inaugurates a new phase of our spiritual lives. We physically, visibly detach from our mothers to be ourselves. And now, paradoxically, our life—our spiritual life—centers on the invisible threads that interlace us together with God, universe and our neighbors or other beings.
To call upon one’s spiritual siblings for help, one should recite the following prayer.