Modern Times Therapist

based on the knowledge and energy of the messengers of the Pleiadian Council, their healer and Quantunbioenergetics

Eight manuals content:

The Divine cell baptism

The rejuvenation of energy

The Pleiadian grid

The Levitationsgitter, the lattice of lightness

The incidence of heart rate

heart touching

The light of your baptism merkaba

Quantum touch

the frequency of pure consciousness


The high-energy cosmic essences


Ellen Dana'S and Tanja Sarah'Shan


Introduction to Energy


the Pleiadian modern times Therapists


During a wonderful meditative travel routes have been opened for us in the higher dimensions and we had a connection and fusion with the Pleiadians.

There are a lot of reading on the internet about the Pleiadians and their energy, but we want to stay with our experience and you hand over the energy resources of the Pleiadian Council, as we

they received themselves.


The Pleiadian energy is very easy to explain in their basic energy and to understand the heart. You'll love its beneficial energy and be formed even after your initiations in the so-called Night School by the Pleiadians while you sleep.


After your initiations your energetic program begins in earnest. We will only pave the way and allow you access to this very new highly vibrating cosmic energy that affects people in their essence as a balm for us.


The Pleiadian bioenergy is so fantastic in their individual thresholds that it offers us endless possibilities and variations, so all of our body can be used for healing, rejuvenation and regeneration of our total energy construct.



eighth Mega pleiades star attunement


Pleiades are extremely luminous stars - stars with luminosity at least 10,000 times that of our Sun. I now see this as part of the arising of a galactic level of consciousness, which lies at the heart of a new star wisdom. Could it be the Cosmic Christ who is behind this awakening of consciousness to the galaxy? Be that as it may, the awakening to this galactic level of consciousness signifies a step for humanity comparable to the new consciousness that came about through the Copernican revolution, when the old geocentric solar system gave way to the new heliocentric one. The revolution at that time was at the level of the cosmos, rather than at the level of the galaxy. Here the word cosmos is used in the Greek sense of the word to encompass the entire visible universe, including all stars visible to the naked eye. The revolution that is taking place in our time is the step from cosmos to galaxy. Now that there is a consciousness of the shape and structure of our Milky Way galaxy, we are enabled to inwardly behold that which lies beyond the confines of our local part of the galaxy. The cosmos coincides, by and large, with our local part of the galaxy, known as the Orion Arm. Galactic awareness signifies an expansion of consciousness to include the whole of the Milky Way galaxy.

Though the eighth star of Pleiades don´t seem visible, its energy goes to Galactic awareness, an expansion of consciousness and your soul awareness, all your love experiences throughout your entire existence. If the Pleiades spectrum of light goes into white and blue light, the eighth goes into magenta light spectrum.

The eighth star represents your soul star or your eighth chakra were all the energies are one.

About magenta spectrum:

If you see the colour MAGENTA as being in between Violet and Red, you will see the metaphor for Absolution of Duality. It is only possible to experience the living of Heaven (Violet) on Earth (Red), when polarities no longer exist. It is for this reason that the Akashic Record is held in the MAGENTA chakra – beyond duality and the ensuing FALSE judgments this state creates.

It is also important to consider MAGENTA’S complement/opposite – Olive Green. The process of opening ones self to the full potential of MAGENTA, is greatly supported by understanding the energies of its colour complement, and making a conscious effort to keep the Olive Green chakra clear.

MAGENTA COLOUR ENERGY – Strengthens contact with your life purpose. Comprised of 2 parts Red and 1 part Blue, this tertiary colour lies “hidden” between Red and Violet. Therefore MAGENTA is both the end and the beginning of the Light Spectrum – representing the Alpha and the Omega – the fullest expression of Divine Love. As such, MAGENTA contains or holds all the other colors including the White Light.

Is it any wonder then, that MAGENTA is interpreted by the most ancient teachings of the Great Mystery Schools, as the colour of the 8th chakra – ” The Soul Star ” – residing just outside the physical body, and above the head. In this capacity, MAGENTA contains our individual “Soul Blueprint”, otherwise known as our “Akashic Record”.

Connection to this chakra ( The Soul Star) reveals our reason for incarnating – our Divine Mission – and then further supports our energies to actualize it. If you view the MAGENTA ray as preceding the colour Red, it could be said that the soul descends to body. Conversely, if MAGENTA is seen as following the colour Violet, then the body has ascended to spirit.


Here you are attuned to

Eighth star empowerment and symbol

magenta full spectrum

which includes your

soul star

Family soul´s stars

And Earth soul star




Ninth pleiadian star empowerments™

Mega stars like Pleiades are extremely luminous stars - stars with luminosity at least 10,000 times that of our Sun. I now see this as part of the arising of a galactic level of consciousness, which lies at the heart of a new star wisdom. Could it be the Cosmic Christ who is behind this awakening of consciousness to the galaxy? Be that as it may, the awakening to this galactic level of consciousness signifies a step for humanity comparable to the new consciousness that came about through the Copernican revolution, when the old geocentric solar system gave way to the new heliocentric one. The revolution at that time was at the level of the cosmos, rather than at the level of the galaxy. Here the word cosmos is used in the Greek sense of the word to encompass the entire visible universe, including all stars visible to the naked eye. The revolution that is taking place in our time is the step from cosmos to galaxy. Now that there is a consciousness of the shape and structure of our Milky Way galaxy, we are enabled to inwardly behold that which lies beyond the confines of our local part of the galaxy. The cosmos coincides, by and large, with our local part of the galaxy, known as the Orion Arm. Galactic awareness signifies an expansion of consciousness to include the whole of the Milky Way galaxy.

Though the ninth star of Pleiades don´t seem visible, its energy goes to Galactic awareness, an expansion of consciousness and your soul awareness, all your creation experiences throughout your entire existence. If the Pleiades spectrum of light goes into white and blue light, the ninth goes into yellow light spectrum.

The ninth star represents your mind-emotional heart star or your ninth earth chakra where all the energies are created and transformed.


Which includes your

Yellow creation star

And Earth creation star




Like reiki




Though the tenth star of Pleiades don´t seem visible, its energy goes to Galactic awareness, an expansion of consciousness and your soul awareness, all your love experiences throughout your entire existence. If the Pleiades spectrum goes into white and blue light, the tenth goes into purple gold light spectrum.

The tenth star represents your soul, mind, manifesting crystal star as a whole knowledge.

It is extent your Third Eye Chakra visions. If you have difficulty setting up your personal boundaries, it will be helpful. It will make your interactions with others much less emotional for you. It can help you gain prosperity. This crystal star dream can connect you to the people of the Pleiades. It also connects you to the energy of the Pleiades to help you understand how the Universe works. You will find yourself much better able to understand the "I Am". This crystal dream star can help you grasp the sciences better; understand them better. It helps dispel sadness and/or the loss of another.

It helps you see what your desires are and help you attain them. If your world looks dark, it can bring some light to the darkness so that you can get into your soul destiny. It is very good for detachment, and integration of the self.

Some of the attuenement

Iolinsha attunement Shakti

Iolinsha manifesting Shakti

Iolinsha crystal auric Shakti

Iolinsha pyramid Shakti



It manifest your desires in the cosmic time

It accomplish soul integration in physical existence

Electromagnetic balance of your body and earth body

It realigns planet love energy with stars energy as one

Balance male and female energy

Balance the elements, fire, water, earth and air


Protects your origin soul galactic journey

It corresponds to your belly area

Were your soul genetic codes resides

Were you are not negative influence by your parents cord and earth cord.

Pleiadian Orionian crystal skull attunement

Awareness holder

Ego diffuser

Cosmic collectivity consciousness

The skull, singly and collectively change us precisely there where we are most resistant to change due to fear, misunderstanding, and even purported life trajectories.